General > Events

[Empire] New Years EVENTS


Happy New Years! We have some presents for you!

New Years BONUS!
First 200 Empire players after second class changing will receive Premium Coins and after third class changing 50 players will receive Caradine Letter!
* All players after first class changing will receive Pirate Hat!

New Years Baium!
Beat first Baium and get 100 Glit. Medals status and 30 Festival Adenas!

New Years Glow!
Enchant you s grade weapon and first player who will reach +7 will receive 5 BEWS gift!

New Years Castles!
Clans which will occupy Aden and Goddard castles will receive 100 FA for each!

Special Clans EVENT!
Clans which have 8 clan level will get free clan skills! For reward contact with our support!


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